How can we democratize tech ethics in the form of an ongoing whole-of-society discourse?

Hi, I'm You Jeen (유진 in Korean).
My interests lie in tech ethics & policy, stemming from my AI ethics & governance work at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard), focus on ethical business practices with The Kigumi Group, AI policy research during my Fulbright fellowship at KAIST in South Korea, and my interdisciplinary background in CS & Philosophy while at Smith College.
Over the years, my work has been accepted to various conferences, including the international ACM FAccT Conference (see my paper and my presentation). I studied abroad at the University of Oxford in Spring 2019, centering my studies on symbolic AI and philosophy of cognitive science.
In my spare time, I enjoy decompressing through PC gaming as a Resident Evil enthusiast, digital painting, photography, and spending time with my family and chihuahua.

Passion Projects

After completing my Fulbright fellowship in Korea, I started a podcast for cross-national discussions surrounding tech ethics and policy. This platform aims to be a kind of Habermasian public sphere, calling for the involvement and participation of all relevant stakeholders. The podcast centers on amplifying the voices of civil society, especially those of the underrepresented and the MZ Generation, many of whom have walked through life as 'digital natives.'

As an undergraduate, I founded Smith College's philosophy journal Eudaimonia together with a close group of faculty and peers. Last year, the journal has evolved into Sátya सत्य, and I'm excited to see where Smithies will take it!

On another note, I believe that engaging with the creative arts calms the soul while also stimulating originality and open-minded thinking. On the right is a portrait of my life-long companion.

Publications & Conference Papers

  • Ha, Y.J. “David Hume and Dögen Zenji: Personhood, Identity, and Self.” in Comparative Reflections on Persons and Selves (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023).

  • Ha, Y.J., et al. Exploring the Impacts of Generative AI on the Future of Teaching and Learning. [Online]. Available:

  • Lévesque, M. et al. Building on the Blueprint: We need everyone around the table to move AI principles into practice. (2023). [Online]. Available here.

  • Fjeld, J. et al. Comment to UNESCO regarding the Draft "Guidance for Regulating Digital Platforms: A Multistakeholder Approach" (2023).

  • Ha, Y.J., “South Korean Public Value Coproduction Towards ’AI for Humanity’: A Synergy of Sociocultural Norms and Multistakeholder Deliberation in Bridging the Design and Implementation of National AI Ethics Guidelines”, in 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’22), Jun. 2022, 11 pages. [Online]. Available or here (preprint PDF).

  • Ha, Y.J., “For or Against Progress?: Institutional Agency in a Time of Technological Exceptionalism”, in Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2020, Jun. 2020, pp. 425–427. [Online]. Available here.

  • Ha, Y.J., “Algorithmic (In)explainability : Causality and Machine Learning”, May 2020. [Online]. Available here.

  • Ha, Y.J., "The Misguided Conflation of Epistemic Ontology and Epistemic Onticism in AGI Research." Presented at ETHICOMP 2018 (Poland). Available here.

  • Ha, Y.J., "'Surrender' as a Pervasive, Unifying Theme in Philosophy of Religion." Presented at 2017 Mid-Hudson Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (New York). Available here.

Favorite Performances

N (엔) - Fate (인연)

VIXX's N conveys a sentimental expression of longing with a mix of contemporary and Korean traditional elements in dance and aesthetic.

Sarah Chang (장영주) - Zigeunerweisen op. 20

Sarah Chang's world-renowned technique, especially her rich vibrato, and powerful expressiveness do not disappoint in one of her most watched performances.

ATEEZ (에이티즈) - Halazia


Memories for C'est la vie